

Artist | Brooklyn NY



The Night Swimmer. Drawing, graphite on paper, 2024.

The Night Swimmer, detail. Painting, acrylic on canvas, 2024.

The ‘Night Swimmer’ is part of a series that celebrates a young adventurer ​and her love of the ocean. It is a plea for the preservation of ocean habitats ​and an ode to the beauty of the deep waters.




The Coral Reef. Drawing, graphitel ​on paper, 2023.

Drawing is the foundation of all my creative ​endeavors. Without drawing, there’s no visual ​language or narrative.


the story,


the fantasy

The Coral Reef. Painting, acrylic on canvas, 2023.

The Lailya series is a collection of 20 paintings that compose a story based on a

young adventurer who discovers a fantastical world in the depths of the ocean.

The series takes an approach to painting that is conceptual, surreal, and highly detailed.


adventures ​of



BooK 1

The Adventures of Princess Lailya, Bulumbu, and Tilley ​Turtle is a fantasy fairy tale, designed as graphic novel. ​The story takes us to a world of snow-capped ​mountains and vast oceans.

Princess Lailya, and her two friends, the giant goldfish ​Bulumbu, and the tiny turtle Tilley have been tasked with ​finding and retrieving certain precious pearls for a queen ​who is Lailya's aunt.

The three of them set out across the vast oceans and ​while searching for the pearls, experience the beauty of ​the ocean and deep sea.

Formation Flying. Watercolor on heavy paper, 2023.

Sunrise in NYC. Watercolor on heavy paper, 2019.

ICONIC ​painting

These iconic watercolors are based on poetic themes, such as ​‘Sunrise in New York,’ or ‘Formation Flying’. They depict objects as ​discrete symbols and dynamic things in nature.

‘Sunrise in NYC’ evokes a hopeful morning walk in the concrete jungle ​of Gotham.

‘Formation Flying’ is a symbol of community, of bodies banding ​together to form a coherent formation.

Pink Blossoms. Watercolor on heavy paper, 2023.


Ocean series

Oceans are at once tremendous and precious. ​They embrace millions of species of flora and ​fauna. I conceived of the ocean series to draw ​attention to the fragility of the ocean’s health.

Exploring the Ocean Depths. Painting, acrylic on canvas, 2023.

Baby Blue Whale. Drawing, graphite on paper, 2023.

The paintings in the Ocean Series are based on intricate ​compositions that focus on a young swimmer and her ​kinship with ocean creatures. Together, they form an ​adventurous trio that discovers the beauty and ​abundance of ocean life together.

Each day, we must remind ourselves that the stewardship ​of the environment is a foremost concern.

While the paintings in this series do not focus literally on ​the effects of pollution and climate change on oceans, they ​do offer a glimpse of what is possible if our environment ​stays protected and cared for.

These paintings are meant as a celebration of the joy of life, ​rather than a lamentation of what is lost.

The Ocean Series paintings contain many details, and ​embed fundamental life elements such as rocks, water ​waves, plants, clouds, animals, and life forms.

Baby Blue Whale. Painting, acrylic on canvas, 2023.

The Night Swimmer. Painting, acrylic on canvas, 2024.

The Night Swimmer is about a young female adventurer ​who discovers a fantastical world in the depths of the ​ocean. It takes an approach to painting that is conceptual, ​surreal, and highly detailed.

A variety of techniques is used to evoke a three-​dimensionality of the scene. The sky is painted using a ​dot-shading techniques giving it a translucent quality. The ​clouds, water, and plants are painted using a light-to-dark ​shading technique that render the object three-​dimensional.

The figure itself is abstracted and rendered as an almost ​graphic element. The body is barely visible, enveloped in ​clothes. Only parts of her legs and arms are visible. As a ​center point, the figure's face is intricately detailed to ​convey the heroine's status of curious adventurer of the ​deep sea. Her jewels are painted in metallic gold, reflecting ​light and rendering yet another layer.

This scenario is set as a romantic experience, yet, we know ​that the scene is purely fantastical, not real. We are ​reminded, while such places still exist in remote parts of ​the world, they are also threatened.


moments in time

over many days, ​making memories ​with pen and brush

in hand,

telling stories, ​fantasies,

and dreams,

that’s what

I want my art

to be

Eva Schicker

Portrait of a Young Man. Painting, watercolor on heavy paper, 2014.


Select Group Exhibitions

Silent Auction, ART 3/11 Japan, Williamsburg Art & History Center (WAH), Brooklyn NY

ethan pettit gallery, Park Slope NY, 5 Years Thangka Art, Brooklyn NY

Gallery artists, Hopkins Wharf Gallery, North Haven, Maine

Permanent Collection, Yuko Nii Foundation, Part 3, WAH Center, Brooklyn NY

Fred Valentine Gallery, Queens NY

ethan pettit gallery, Bushwick NY, Wackadoodle, Brooklyn NY

ethan pettit gallery, Bushwick NY, Move In Freedom, Brooklyn NY

ethan pettit gallery, Bushwick NY, Inaugural show, Brooklyn NY/Brooklyn Rail.

Gallery artists, WAH Center, Williamsburg, Brooklyn NY

Loop 2, Cultures Converge, Artists Space, NYC

Artist in the Marketplace, Bronx Museum, Bronx NY

Art in the Urban Matrix, FFA Gallery, Brooklyn NY

Collective for Living Cinema, NYC

Anthology Film Archives, NYC

Kunstmuseum Zurich, Switzerland


2014 Co-founder and co-director of Himalayan Thangka Arts atelier with

Sonam Rinzin, at ethan pettit gallery, Brooklyn NY

1987 Founder of the Avant-Brooklyn Film Noir Festival

1980-1984 Art Academy of Düsseldorf, Germany, media arts and fine arts

1989 Baccalaureate in Zürich, Switzerland, Language and science studies


1992 Experimental Television Center, media art residency, Oswego NY

1990 Art Action in Tanto, art residency, Japan

1989 NYFA Fellowship in film, NYC


  • Selected Contemporary Works from the Permanent Collection of the Yuko Nii Foundation
  • The Brooklyn Rail. Inaugural Show, by Charles Schultz at ethan pettit gallery June 1 – August 30, 2012. ​https://brooklynrail.org/2012/08/artseen/inaugural-show
  • Richard Humann, Eva Schicker, Ethan Pettit. Art in the Urban Matrix. FFA Gallery, 1989 ​http://www.academia.edu/718995/Art_in_the_Urban_Matrix_Humann_Schicker_Pettit_1989

Super Blossoms. Painting, detail, acrylic on canvas, 2023.




Tiger. Painting, acrylic on heavy paper, 2017.

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All content and images © Eva Schicker, 2024.

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in Brooklyn